Sunday, October 24, 2010

I Spy With My Little Eye

Harper Eyes Lifeguard Station

… Something awesome I can climb!

Exploring a mostly empty beach on Saturday, the Boy discovered the life guard station. As adept as he may be at climbing, the ladder proved to be too much for him. He could reach the first rung, but couldn’t gain his footing in order to reach the next. Thank goodness for that. Already that day he learned to climb out of his crib – over and over again in protest of the evil regime that is nap time. The last thing the Momma needs is him being able to scale vertical ladders.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pint Sized Farm Boy


The Boy discovered the joys of fall and farms on Saturday. Momma really wishes there were an apple farm near by; fall just isn’t the same without picking apples. So the family settled for a local farm, filled with chickens, goats, horses and pigs. Tall corn stalks, tractors, and pumpkins to play with. Here, the Boy is in a teepee (or possibly wigwam, I’m not really up on my dried corn husk housing).
Judging by his laughter and big smiles, the Boy’s favorite part of the farm was right here.

    Friday, October 8, 2010

    chilling out, maxing and relaxing all cool

    This was not the Boy sliding. This was the Boy, deliberately climbing onto the bottom of the slide and taking a playground break. Momma always said he was a chill little guy.

    Friday, October 1, 2010

    Not Quite There…


    Harper, dressed up in Momma’s shirt. He hasn’t quite figured out the whole “head-in-neck-hole” dynamics, but he’s learning quick!
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