Wednesday, December 29, 2010

And Not a Creature was Stirring…


Harper got into Momma's chocolate

Except a small little boy who got into the dark chocolate kisses in Momma’s stocking! That’s okay. Everyone gets to sneak kisses on Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Polar Express


Christmas 097


Once Harper opening his brand new train set on Christmas Day, he couldn’t be talked into opening anything else!


Thank you Poppy and Gumbo!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Unexpected Close Up


Harper at the Christmas Tree Lot

While searching for a Christmas tree this weekend.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Little Chef


Thanksgiving - Harpers New Kitchen


The Boy’s Godmother found this kitchen at a consignment store in town while she was visiting last weekend. She brought it, and a box of play food, home for the Little Chef. The stove and grill both make noise, which is the Boy’s favorite part (and simultaneously, Momma’s least favorite).

Saturday, November 27, 2010

We’ve All Got to Start Somewhere…


Harper's First Photo


The Boy’s first (successful) attempt at taking a picture.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Littlest Dragon


Lovin' the bean bags


For Halloween, the Boy wore a hand me down costume from a friend. The costume was soft and cute and the Boy took some getting used to. Once familiar, it didn’t stop him from playing at the church fall fair, with bean bags tosses and duckies and costume parades.

Friday, November 5, 2010

New Camera, Same Gorgeous Subject!


Last Friday, the family camera finally bit the dust. Or, as is more appropriate in Coastal Carolina, bit the sand. Thankfully, Momma and Daddy had already saved up money for a new camera, so after an afternoon of searching online, we found the perfect camera for us. It arrived yesterday, and Momma has been insaitiable with the picture taking!
The Boy is still adjusting to the new flash style. Most of his pictures are glorious shots of him blinking. But here, eyes open, stylish outfit and those two cute front teeth!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I Spy With My Little Eye

Harper Eyes Lifeguard Station

… Something awesome I can climb!

Exploring a mostly empty beach on Saturday, the Boy discovered the life guard station. As adept as he may be at climbing, the ladder proved to be too much for him. He could reach the first rung, but couldn’t gain his footing in order to reach the next. Thank goodness for that. Already that day he learned to climb out of his crib – over and over again in protest of the evil regime that is nap time. The last thing the Momma needs is him being able to scale vertical ladders.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pint Sized Farm Boy


The Boy discovered the joys of fall and farms on Saturday. Momma really wishes there were an apple farm near by; fall just isn’t the same without picking apples. So the family settled for a local farm, filled with chickens, goats, horses and pigs. Tall corn stalks, tractors, and pumpkins to play with. Here, the Boy is in a teepee (or possibly wigwam, I’m not really up on my dried corn husk housing).
Judging by his laughter and big smiles, the Boy’s favorite part of the farm was right here.

    Friday, October 8, 2010

    chilling out, maxing and relaxing all cool

    This was not the Boy sliding. This was the Boy, deliberately climbing onto the bottom of the slide and taking a playground break. Momma always said he was a chill little guy.

    Friday, October 1, 2010

    Not Quite There…


    Harper, dressed up in Momma’s shirt. He hasn’t quite figured out the whole “head-in-neck-hole” dynamics, but he’s learning quick!

    Monday, September 27, 2010

    The Big Wide World

    The Boy exploring the Big Mall where Daddy works. He found his way out of JC Penney, through the mall, to the decorative mall provided strollers. Nothing can stop him now!

    Friday, September 17, 2010

    Swing Swing

    swing swing
    The Boy may very well be contender to ride the rides with his Daddy that Momma won’t (I’m looking at you, Millennium Force). He giggled as Momma pushed him higher and higher and giggled harder if Momma caught him at the top, and then let him go. Momma thinks the way he grips the swing is too adorable.

    Tuesday, September 14, 2010

    Forks A Million


    The Boy LOVES forks. He’s become proficient enough that he insists on having a fork at every meal, and sometimes, more than one. Here, he climbed onto the table while Momma & Daddy were cleaning up, grabbing all the forks he could find, and then slide back into his seat. Who knew silverware could make a boy so happy?

    Wednesday, September 8, 2010

    Notre Dame v Perdue

    first win
    On Saturday, September 4, Daddy made sure that Momma dressed the Boy in his Notre Dame jersey. He also tried to convince Momma that the Boy should watch the game until he got out of work, but Momma and the Boy went to the park instead.
    But if it’s any consolation, Notre Dame won. Momma is just sure that it had everything do with with Daddy and the Boy sporting their jerseys.

    Sunday, September 5, 2010

    Mud Pies


    Perhaps the Momma is too laid back, but she isn’t too worried if the Boy eats dirt or sand. He seems to love it, and in the past, has purposefully dipped his banana into the sand, only to lick it all off.

    Saturday was a slightly new discovery, however. When playing with Momma down the water’s edge (close enough to get wet, far enough to not get knocked around by waves) a little boy just a month or two older than the Boy brought over a large orange bucket almost as big as himself. The two boys giggled gleefully while taking piles of muddy wet sand and flinging into the bucket. As you can see, their aim needed some work.

    But the Momma was proud; the Boy generally prefers dry sand to water, and for him to play this close with the water hints that maybe one day, Momma and Boy can play in the waves together.

    Tuesday, August 24, 2010

    Playground Playtime

    Before a Sunday School teachers meeting, Momma and Daddy took the Boy to play at the church’s preschool playground. The wooden train provided endless entertainment.
    This photo makes Momma think of The Jungle Book. She hasn’t seen the movie in long enough to remember why…
    One of the Boy’s favorite playground pastimes is to climb slides, regardless of height. This nice short slide is just perfect for little boys to climb.

    Saturday, August 21, 2010

    A New Treat


    Momma thought the Boy would enjoy something cool on a hot day. Her first thought was a popsicle, but sugar water didn’t seem like the best idea for her little boy (given his family history of sugar loving, plushy people). So Momma got some GoGurt & froze it like a popsicle. She brought it to the beach, and the Boy LOVED it. What a great toy – you squeeze, and it makes a giant mess! And a tasty mess to boot!

    Friday, August 20, 2010

    Toy Box Capers

    Recently, Momma has revamped the living room. This includes taking the Boy's toys off the bottom shelf of the bookshelf and putting them in this makeshift toy box. The Boy has discovered that the toy box is a perfect place to sit and play.

    Thursday, August 19, 2010



    During Daddy’s first class of the new semester, the Boy and Momma took a walk downtown for a cup of coffee and a muffin. The Boy loves banana nut muffins. I was slightly concerned to bring him outside – I was worried he’d be pigeon bait!

    Sunday, August 8, 2010

    Meanest Momma in the World


    The Boy is quite convinced that he has the meanest momma and daddy in all the world. Momma is does not ley ukmkn,  .; /; <--- this is the Boy telling you his woes first hand, which loosely translates to “let me eat cherry pits I find on the ground.” Momma also doesn’t let him stand up in his high chair, eat trash on the beach, or drink Diet Mountain Dew.
    Daddy is just as bad. He doesn’t let the Boy play on the laptop, escape out the door while Momma’s headed to work,  or climb onto tables.
    In public, he is sweet as a button. But at home, he is sure to show his displeasure at not being able to do whatever he wants, with an ear piercing people-are-going-to-think-you-are-cutting-off-my-foot-with-a-rusty-saw shriek followed by this face:
    So it begins…

    Tuesday, August 3, 2010

    Rooting for the Home Team


    Another local ballgame, with a couple of friends from church. To raise awareness for public transportation, the local transit authority offered free baseball tickets if you rode the bus to the game. Huzzah for cheap nights out!

    This time our team WASN’T wearing pink. The Boy got to meet and play with Sharky, eat dirt, and climb the bleachers. All in all, a good evening had by all.

    Thursday, July 29, 2010

    Crazy Hair

    Here is the Boy, showing off his crazy hair, beautiful eyes, big smile, and climbing skills!

    Wednesday, July 14, 2010

    Blue Skies & Blue Eyes

    The Boy playing, feeling, learning, and eating sand. He loves the sand, the shells, the toys, the towels, the sun and the outdoors in general. The ocean? He’s not so sure about that yet.

    Monday, July 5, 2010


    “Why no mother, I have nothing in my mouth. What ever would give you that impression?”

    Thursday, July 1, 2010

    First Haircut

    Before his travels to Michigan, it was observed that the Boy was beginning to sport a mullet. Given that his Momma and Daddy are suburban Northerners, the hairstyle of the rural elite was not the desired look for him. Here he is, getting the “party in the back” trimmed off – now he’s ALL business!

    Saturday, June 26, 2010

    Paparazzi Practice


    “Can’t you people just leave me alone? I’m trying to have a nice drink with my family, in my own living room! I’m calling the cops! Where’s my elmo phone?!”

    Tuesday, June 15, 2010

    The Shortest Distance between Two Points

    …is through someone else’s lap.

    The Boy played musical baby on the laps of all Momma’s friends from church. And when he wanted to travel, say from Mrs. Amy to Mr. Luke, Mr. Eric was just a passing fancy. Sorry Mr Eric!!

    Saturday, June 12, 2010

    The Boy – Then and Now



    Saturday, June 5, 2010

    Midnight Playtime

    Apparently, 12 am is a great time to wake up and play. Here, the Boy is watching Pysch. It’s too late to care about him watching TV! Maybe it’ll put him to sleep.

    Wish Momma luck!

    Friday, June 4, 2010

    Barbara Manatee…

    … You are the one for me!!

    Mimi and Papa Strat took the Boy, Momma and Daddy to Homosassa State Park, which sounds suspiciously like “Home Assassin State Park” if you aren’t familiar with the area. The Boy saw manatees, a hippo, jumping fish, pink birds, bald eagles, and all other native Florida wildlife.

    He also saw non-native wildlife, which was eagerly trying to escape:

    Thursday, June 3, 2010

    Whaddya Mean, 16?!



    Letting Harper stretch his legs during the car trip to Florida.

    Wednesday, June 2, 2010

    Play Time at Kelly Park

    Over Memorial weekend, the Boy’s Mimi and Papa Strat took him to Kelly Park in Orange County, Florida. This county park has a great natural spring that flows clean for about a mile and is open to the public to float or swim down. The Boy thought the water was a little too cold for his taste, but Momma and Daddy thought it was relaxing and refreshing.
    Momma and the Boy floated down the spring, running into weeds and rocks, and sharing the stream with fish completely unafraid of the human element. Momma and Mimi spent lots of time chatting and catching up. Uncle Jed kept poking Papa Strat while he was trying to rest, pouring cold water on his head and generally jabbing the metaphorical sleeping dragon in the eye.
    Auntie LE practiced her swimming and Daddy scraped himself on the rocks, lost his sunglasses and burned himself. Only Aunt Livy stayed home; the spring water gives her hives. But she had a good time too, playing Sims 3 on the computer.
    A good day had by all!

    Tuesday, May 25, 2010

    Hello World!

    This is the boy. Hello Boy!
    The Momma has decided that the Boy has monopolized her blog. And so she created a blog just for him. Right now, he's too little to write and blog for himself. But he's never to little to have a blog devoted exclusively to him.
    Now, maybe Momma can get just a little piece of her life back, even if it is just having a blog that isn't ALL Boy ALL the time.
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