Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Playground Playtime

Before a Sunday School teachers meeting, Momma and Daddy took the Boy to play at the church’s preschool playground. The wooden train provided endless entertainment.
This photo makes Momma think of The Jungle Book. She hasn’t seen the movie in long enough to remember why…
One of the Boy’s favorite playground pastimes is to climb slides, regardless of height. This nice short slide is just perfect for little boys to climb.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A New Treat


Momma thought the Boy would enjoy something cool on a hot day. Her first thought was a popsicle, but sugar water didn’t seem like the best idea for her little boy (given his family history of sugar loving, plushy people). So Momma got some GoGurt & froze it like a popsicle. She brought it to the beach, and the Boy LOVED it. What a great toy – you squeeze, and it makes a giant mess! And a tasty mess to boot!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Toy Box Capers

Recently, Momma has revamped the living room. This includes taking the Boy's toys off the bottom shelf of the bookshelf and putting them in this makeshift toy box. The Boy has discovered that the toy box is a perfect place to sit and play.

Thursday, August 19, 2010



During Daddy’s first class of the new semester, the Boy and Momma took a walk downtown for a cup of coffee and a muffin. The Boy loves banana nut muffins. I was slightly concerned to bring him outside – I was worried he’d be pigeon bait!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Meanest Momma in the World


The Boy is quite convinced that he has the meanest momma and daddy in all the world. Momma is does not ley ukmkn,  .; /; <--- this is the Boy telling you his woes first hand, which loosely translates to “let me eat cherry pits I find on the ground.” Momma also doesn’t let him stand up in his high chair, eat trash on the beach, or drink Diet Mountain Dew.
Daddy is just as bad. He doesn’t let the Boy play on the laptop, escape out the door while Momma’s headed to work,  or climb onto tables.
In public, he is sweet as a button. But at home, he is sure to show his displeasure at not being able to do whatever he wants, with an ear piercing people-are-going-to-think-you-are-cutting-off-my-foot-with-a-rusty-saw shriek followed by this face:
So it begins…

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rooting for the Home Team


Another local ballgame, with a couple of friends from church. To raise awareness for public transportation, the local transit authority offered free baseball tickets if you rode the bus to the game. Huzzah for cheap nights out!

This time our team WASN’T wearing pink. The Boy got to meet and play with Sharky, eat dirt, and climb the bleachers. All in all, a good evening had by all.
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