Tuesday, May 17, 2011


He loves the cupcake (once the initial breakdown ended!)

The Boy celebrated his birthday twice – once on his actual birthday, with a trip to the the Children’s Museum of Wilmington, a cupcake, and family presents and then again that weekend with a birthday party.
He is the big, official TWO and has the attitude to match. But he also has the curiosity, joy, love, and talents and watching him learn so fast is amazing. He’ll say words that make Momma and Daddy turn to each other and say “Did you teach him that?”

TWO is turning out to be just as fun as ONE.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

On the Go

To much fun not to run!
An action shot of the Boy at the playground. He is always on the go and it’s so rare that Momma gets to capture it like this!
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