Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Midnight Snack




The Little One is still lucky enough that he doesn’t have a bed time. Or, another way of saying it is that Momma isn’t lucky enough for the little one to have a bed time. So here he is, enjoying his (close to) midnight snack.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Caption Needed




Momma loves this picture. She is sure the Little One is saying something – but what?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Preschool – Weeks 4-5

So this time, we were delayed by a vacation to Florida. Regardless, we are working on:


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Letter R!

We started with some practice, which turned out surprisingly well. The big one has difficulty with anything that is not a straight line. He progressed onto:


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Some of which were superb, and others not so much.

Along with “R” we talked about Rainbows, and with it, color mixing. Momma had planned to make a rainforest lesson, including a rain stick, but it never happened. Best laid plans and such.




Here, the Big One is learning that Blue and Yellow make Green. We did the same thing for Blue and Red, Red and Yellow, and all three together.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Preschool: Week 2-3


So for week 2, which ended up being weeks 2 AND 3, due to several days of both Momma and the boys being sick, is the letter:


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Letter A!


I don’t have any pictures of the Big One drawing the letter A, because he never quite mastered it. Not that it’s important for him to do so at age 3, but we had a lot of other fun. While we discussed letter A, we also discussed Animals, and their habitats. So we had a little household scavenger hunt.


First, we spent the week reading several books about animals and where they live. Then one night, after he went to bed, I set up the house:


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Taking animals from his playroom, I set up like type animals from the savannah, the desert, farmyard animals, water animals and flying animals, complete with props. The next morning (a Saturday), we went all around the house, seeking out the animal habitats, and collecting the animals in a bucket:

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Once we had collected the animals in a bucket, I had him re-sort the animals on the dining room table and talk about where each of the animals live. And then he put them all back in their proper places. We had great fun!


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